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Quiz 11 Essay

Quiz 11

Q Using the four elements of Self Esteem (Significance, Competence, Virtue, and Power) described by Coopersmith, give a specific example of how each of the five different socialization agents (Family, School, Peers, Mass Media, and Community) can have an impact in a positive way on a child's self esteem. AS ALWAYS, INCLUDE A REFERENCE PAGE ENTRY AT THE END OF YOUR ESSAY AND INCLUDE APA FORM IN-TEXT CITATIONS IN YOUR NARRATIVE

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When it comes to family, diversified styles of parenting come into existence/actualization for managing different self-esteem levels. This is because there might have to be changes made in parenting style culturally to suit capabilities of children in understanding parental psychology. The rate of expectation for some parents might keep getting enhanced because of adoption of strict/authoritarian parenting-styles (Berns, 2016). Strictness might not be taken well by some children in some cultures because they might get to know that the parents of their friends are democratic.